Wednesday, February 22, 2023


The purpose of creating this blog and compiling the relevant links already posted on YouTube, is to have an easy access to the inquisitive minds interested in knowing the ancient Indian History, without distortions or concealment of facts by the leftist historians. This article is also meant for those who are devoid of basic knowledge of our thousands, if not millions of years, old ancient history, civilization, science, culture, belief, and traditions. To force upon as a superior race, British termed various books of our ancient history as myth or mythology. This also happened because of their inability to comprehend the enormous periods of time in past when ancient texts were written, or references were made there-in. Their sense of comprehension was also marred due to their religious belief of time.

As per Bible, creation occurred 6,000 years ago ( and there was nothing beyond that; as such they manipulated Indian history and purposely deleted the historical facts of India beyond 6th century BCE from all modern textbooks. The stooges of British, continued following their footsteps to demean the majority belief even after the Independence, until the advent of social media and host of extremely qualified researchers and nationalist historians and their findings scientifically with

geological, astronomical and Astro-physical proof. A list of such researchers and their findings on YouTube links is given in later paragraphs.

Here the word ‘ancient’ means the civilization and knowledge prevailed thousands or hundreds of thousands ‘Before Common Era’ (BCE) (prior to the birth of Christ). In ancient India, the law of social, economic, and political governance was based on ‘Dharma’ (righteousness). Being the lone but most advanced civilization in ancient time, the practice of personal, spiritual and social restrain to contain self and the philosophy of a civilized governance was called ‘Sanatan Dharma’ (Eternal Righteousness). It is the Dharma for self-upliftment and purification of soul and were practiced as a way of life. It was the philosophy of natural and eternal way of living thousands of years back, and before the arrival of other religious or thought processes. When foreigners landed in India, they were unable to understand the philosophy of Sanatan Dharma, and to equate with their own belief, they termed it as religion by distorting its meaning, spirit, and essence. Later, in the modern time post Christ (CE or Common Era), Sanatan Dharma was termed as Hindu and its practice as Hinduism by the foreigners. 

Otherwise, the Hindu or Hinduism is not mentioned in any of our ancient or puranic books. In our ancient text books, the word Jambu Dweepa is mentioned for ancient India which comprised the land mass of Eurasia from Iran and Caspian Sea in the west to Indonesia in the east and Mongolia in the North to Sri Lanka in the south. Later, the name Bharat or Bharat Varsha came into existence about 3,500 years BCE which was coined after one the virtuous ancestors of Kuru Vansa of Mahabharat period. King Bharat was the son of King Dushyanta and Queen Shakuntala. There is an interesting story of Dushyanta and Shakuntala in the folklore, and you may read their story by clicking this link: 

( ). 

There is another interesting story of King Bharat re-incarnated as Jada-Bharat and it is worth reading and knowing the virtues of our ancestors. The link is:


(As per Srimad Bhagvad Mahapuran)

It is mind boggling that how our Rishis were able to calculate the age of Earth with such accuracy hundreds and thousands of years back in time. Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran even goes back to the origin of universe itself by describing the age of Brahma (the creator of universe) in 2nd Skanda, 8th Chapter and the age of Earth in subsequent chapters.

As per Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran, the universe and the earth has been evolved into

different time periods for humans. This time period on Earth has been categorised under

Yuga, Mahayuga (or Chaturyuga), Manvanter, Kalpa, and Ahoratram.

To start with, the total time of all four Yugas (Ages) is calculated as 4,320,000 (four million, three hundred twenty thousand) of human years or 12,000 of deva or divine years and they are divided into the followings:

1. Satayuga – 1,728,000 years / 360 = 4,800 years

2. Tretayuga- 1,296,000 years / 360 = 3,600 years

3. Dwaparyuga- 864,000 years / 360 = 2,400 years

4. Kaliyuga – 432,000 years / 360 = 1,200 years

Total: 4,320,000 years / 360 = 12, 000 years (12,000 time-period has been categorised

as divine years by some later proponents which is not practical and difficult to accept. It is scientifically proven by our modern researchers, that Mahabharata war happened at the end of Dwaparyuga on 16th October 5561 BCE, which is 7,584 years from now (2023). This does not justify the divine years of 1,200 of Kaliyuga).

Total of above Four Yugas or Chaturyugas is called Mahayuga. Therefore, 1 Mahayuga is 4,320,000 (Four million three hundred twenty thousandyears.

Now the Puranas further goes back into time and explains that 71 such Mahayugas is called Manvanter. Therefore, mathematically, 1 Manvanter should be 4,320,000 years X 71 = 306,720,000 (Three hundred six million, seven hundred twenty thousand) years.

As per the modern science and the search engine Google, the age of Earth is 4.57 billion years and Google also says that the age of earth according to Hinduism is about 4.32 billion years.

In 1788, after many years of geological study, James Hutton, one of the great pioneers of geology, wrote the following about the age of Earth: The result, therefore, of our present enquiry is, that we find no vestige of a beginning — no prospect of an end.[1] Of course he wasn’t exactly correct, there was a beginning and there will be an end to Earth, but what he was trying to express is that geological time is so vast that we humans, who typically live for less than a century, have no means of appreciating how much geological time there is. Hutton didn’t even try to assign an age to Earth, but we now know that it is approximately 4,570 million years old. Using the scientific notation for geological time, that is 4,570 Ma (for mega annum or “millions of years”) or 4.57 Ga (for giga annum or billions of years). More recent dates can be expressed in ka (kilo annum); for example, the last cycle of glaciation ended at approximately 11.7 ka or 11,700 years ago. (

This is very close to the calculation of the age of earth described in Purana. In order to prove the the number of 4.32 billion years mentioned in Purana, we must divide 4.32 billion years by 71 Mahayuga consisting of 4 Yugas (or Mahayuga of 4,320,000 years) in each Mahayuga and 14 such Manvanters.


4,320,000 (4.32 million years) of each Mahayuga 71 Mahayuga (or 1 Manvanter) = 306,720,000 (306.7 million years) X 6 Manvanters 1,840,320,000 years (One billion, eight hundred forty million and three hundred twenty thousand years) or 1.84 billion years.

Now as per the Puranas – We are in 7th Manvater (Vaivasvat Manvanter). Therefore, to get the total numbers of years from the First Manvanter ruled by the First Manu to now, we will have to add the years of Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and 7,584 years of current Kaliyuga (As per the modern research, Mahabharata war in Dwaparyuga, happened 5,561 years BCE or 7,584 years from now (year 2023 AD)) of 7th Manvanter, into the total of 6 Manvanters already passed. The mathematical calculation is as follows:

1,840,320,000 (Total of 6 Manvanters+ 1,728,000 years passed (Satayuga of 7th Manvanter) + 1,296,000 years passed (Trateyuga of 7th Manvanter ) + 864,000 years passed (Dwaparyuga of 7th Manvanter) + 7,584 years (Kaliyuga currently running) = 1,844,215,584 (1.844 billion years). 

Puranas also say that total cycle of One Kalpa is 14 Manvanter and thereafter the Parlaya (Deluge) comes to destroy everything on earth. We have already calculated the number of years for 6 Manvanters, therefore we will have to add into this number of years for 8 Manvanters to get the total number of years for 14 Manvanters. It also says that there is a transition period (Sandhi Kaal) of 1,728,000 years between each Manvanter. Therefore, total of 14 Sandhi Kaal is 24,192,000 years.

1,840,320,000/6 X 14 (Manvanters) = 4,294,080,000 + 24,192,000 years (Sandhi Kaal) = 4,318,272,000 (4.32 billion) years or 1 Kalpa.

Amazingly, the above number of 4.32 billion years as mentioned in Puranas almost tallies with the modern western research estimate of 4.57 billion years. We must also consider some margin of errors in modern estimation.

Name of 14 Manvantaras, their respective Manu and seven Rishis are

mentioned in Puranas:

Puranas have not only mentioned and calculated on to the current period of Manvanters but also predicted the remaining 7 Manvanters in future, their names and the Manu (Chief of the human race) and names of Seven Sages who are going to sire the human race. (For your info, Our Gotras, tells the name of Rishis who sired us in the current Manvanter such as Vasistha Gotra, Kashyap Gotra, Balmiki Gotra, Vishwamitra Gotra, Bharadwaj Gotra etc.)

We are currently in 7th Manvantara ruled by Vaivasvata Manu also known as Sraddhadeva or Satyavrata Manu.

1. Swayambhu Manu – Atri, Angiras, Pulaha, Pulastya, Kratu, Marichi, Vasihistha

(Swayambhu Manu was the husband of Satrupa and father of Sati and also called Daksha Prajapati)

2. Swarochisha Manu – Urja, Stambha, Prana, Vata, Prishva, Niraya and Parivan

3. Auttami Manu – Kaukundhi, Kurundi, Dalaya, Sankha, Pravahita, Mita and Sammita

4. Tapasa Manu – Jyotirdhama, Prithu, Kavya, Chaitra, Agni, Vanaka and Pivara

5. Raivata Manu- Hirannyaroma, Vedasri, Urdhabahu, Vedabahu, Sudhama, Parjanya, and Mahamuni

6. Chakshusha Manu – Sumedha, Viraja, Havishman, Uttar, Madhu, Sahishnu, and Atinama.

7. Vaivasvata Manu – Vashistha, Kashyapa, Atri, Jamdagni, Gautama, Vishwamitra

and Bharadwaja.

8. Savarni Manu – Diptimat, Galava, Parshurama, Kripa, Drauni or Ashwathama, Vyasa and Rishyasringa

9. Daksha Savarni Manu – Savana, Dyutimat, Bhavya, Vasu, Medhatithi, Jyotishman, and Satya

10. Brahma Savarni Manu – Havishman, Sukriti, Satya, Apammurtti, Nabhaga, Apratimaujas, and Satyaketu

11. Dharma Savarni Manu – Nischara, Agnitejas, Vapushman, Vishnu, Aruni, Havishman, and Anagha

12. Rudra Savarni Manu – Tapaswi, Sutapas, Tapomurti, Taporati, Tapodhriti, Tapodyuti, and Tapodhana.

13. Deva Savarni Manu – Nirmoha, Tatwadershin, Nishprakampa, Nirutsuka, Dhritimat,

Avyaya,and Sutapas

14. Indra Savarni Manu – Agnibhshu, Suchi, Aukra, Magadha, Gridhra, Yukta and Ajita.


1. As per the Purans, Sati was the daughter of the first Manu - Swayambhu Manu in

the current Kalpa (named as Shri Sweta Varah Kalpa) and first Manvanter. She was

married to Lord Shiva. Therefore, we can calculate the time of existence of Lord

Shiva on this planet.

2. Upanishadas and Puranas have mentioned many stories of ancient events such as

churning of ocean, birth of Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashyapu, (They were dvarapals (sentry

or gatekeepers) at the gate of Vaikuntha in their past life and their name was Jai & Vijay - ), Bhakt Prahlada, King Dhruva,

Vishwamitra, Markandeye rishi, Gautam rishi etc. Their related events must have

happened hundreds of thousands and may be millions of years ago. Due to the loss of

time keeping records and burning of ancient manuscripts kept in ancient University

Libraries such as Nalanda, Takshashila, Vikramshila,Valabhi, Odantapuri and Jagaddala, it is hard to date the events or difficult to determine these events – when they happened

and in which Kalpa or Manvanters out of past 6 Manvanters and 3 yugas of current

Manvanter (6 Manvanters = 426 Mahayuga + 3 Yugas = 1,707 Yugas). Therefore, we may get confused with the happening of events due to their overlapping in different


3. Due to the descriptions of planetary position mentioned in Ramayan, Mahabharat

and Puranas and their astronomical calculations, modern researchers have been able

to date the time of events of Ramayana and Mahabharat which is very recent. The

most modern computer simulation of NASA cannot go back in time to check

astronomical positions and accuracy of events more than 70,000 or 80,000 years back in


4. It’s mean historical events mentioned in our Puranas cannot be verified by modern

computers, because no modern computers in the world can go back in time and

see the astronomical positions in sky to verify the puranic events mentioned in

the current Chaturyuga of Vaivasvat Manvanter. Modern researchers were able to

verify the astronomical facts or positioning of stars and constellations in the sky as

mentioned in Ramayana which happened at the end of Tretayuga or between 5677 –

5577 BCE which means about 7,000 years from now. Modern computers of NASA

cannot see beyond the end of Tretayuga, as such no events happened during the

beginning or middle of Tretayuga and during Satayuga could be scientifically verified.


The Mahapuran also explains that 1 Kalpa (Day) + 1 Kalpa (night) is called Ahoratram. Therefore, 1 Ahoratram is 4,294,080,000 years of Kalpa X 2 = 8,588,160,000 (Eight billion, five hundred eighty-eight million and one hundred sixty thousand) years.

360 Ahoratram 1 years of Brahma. Total Life of Brahma is 100 years or 311 trillion, 40 billion years, which can be considered as the age of the Universe.

Our science is still in infancy and may not be able to apprehend such detailed calculation. It may not be also understood by school or university education or research but only by reading and logically understanding the ancient scriptures and self reasoning.

Modern Research Vs Puranic Calculations:

The life on earth started evolving in the beginning of Satayuga (may be in the initial few million years) which must have encompassed the stone age, the bronze age and the evolution of human beings as Java Man or Pithecanthropus Erectus as per the modern researches. Google also confirms that by way of carbon dating of oldest fossils discovered, Java Man (Pithecanthropus Erectus) came into existence in about 2 million years back.

As per Wikipedia, the earliest human fossil of Java Man (Homo erectus) discovered in 1891-92 was carbon dated and estimated to be for the period between 700,000 and 2,000,000 (Two million). This estimation has a range of 1.3 million years as margin of errors.


he German paleontologist Koenigswald in 1936, has estimated the carbon dated time of Homo Erectus as 1.8 million to 141,000 years BCE (before common era). Again, the margin of error is 1,659,000 (1.7 million) years.

Therefore, the carbon dating of earliest fossils found for determining their age may be 2.5 million years BCE or more.


Now as per the puranic calculation, if we are in 7th Manvanter of Vaivasvata Manu (the earliest and the most civilized human in this Manvanter), and each Manvanter in past had 71 Mahayuga consisting of 4 Chaturyugas. Each Manvanter had their own Manu (the first civilized ruler) and Sapta Rishis (Seven Sages) who sired humans in particular Manvanter. The names of past 6 Manvanters, their Manu and the names of different seven sages are mentioned in Puranas. The names of future Manvanters up to 14 Manvanters, their Manu and Rishis are also mentioned therein.

To co-relate the puranic calculations of Chatur Yugas and modern calculation of 2 million years of Homo Erectus, we must take the total years of Tretayuga (1,296,000), Dwaparyuga (864,000) and about 7,584 years of Kaliyuga in current Manvanter, then the total becomes 2,170,584 (2.17 million) years. If we also add about 235,000 years of later part of Satayuga (closer to Tretayuga) then the total would be about 2, 405,584 years (2.4 million years). Since the margin of errors in carbon dating of earliest fossils of homo erectus modern scientists is 1.3 to 1.7 million years as mentioned in above paras, we can safely say that it may also have the carbon dating of 2.4 million years. This time frame mentioned in Puranas matches with the modern time frame calculated based on carbon dating of Homo Erectus.

The earlier part of 1,493,000 (out of 1,728,000 total time of Satayuga (minus) its later part of 235,000 of Satayuga) may be assigned to the initial evolvement of homo erectus in stone age and bronze age etc or we may term this period as transition period for progression into modern man.

Furthermore, if we divide 235,000 years of Satayuga (later parts of Satayuga which is closer to Tretayuga) by 100 years of human age, then we get about 2,350 generations of

humans forming an orderly society and kingdoms in Satayuga and then moving towards

initial time frame of Tretayuga and so on.

In recent time, some extensive researchers like Dr. Nilesh Nilkanth Oak, Dr. Subhas Kak, Dr. Raj Vedam and Vedveer Arya, dug into the ancient Indian civilization by using geological, archaeological, archaeogenetic, astronomical science, bio genetics and ancient texts in Sanskrit to uncover the truth and debunked the false and untrue narrative created by the leftist writers and perverted British scholars and their henchmen.

As per the research work of Nilesh Nilkanth Oak, Indian ancient history can be tracked back in time of 17,000 years with geological and astronomical proof.

Later he published another video of 40,000 years of Unbroken Hindu civilization.

Dr. Subhash Kak, a theoretical physicist and historian has also debunked many myths and researched on Indian civilization and its ancient history. You may listen his talk for better understanding:

Story of Ancient India – From Deep South to North – Dr. Raj Vedam

Indian Civilization: The Untold Story- Dr. Raj Vedam

Vedveer Arya has been able to trach back up to 100,000 of years of ancient India from Manu to Mahabharat and the link is:

You must listen Mr. Vedveer Arya who is a civil servant and Joint Secretary with Indian Account Services, a Sanskrit scholar and chronologist and historian. He has debunked many lies of western historians and chronologists. He has also tried to calculate the exact time up to the rule of first Manu and Prajapati about 14,500 BCE or 16,500 (divine years) from today. He has also tried to throw lights in correcting the flawed chronology of Indian History propagated by the

leftist historians:

The Chronology of India: from Manu to Mahabharata- Vedveer Arya


Now to our surprise, most of us have been reciting the name of yuga, manvantars, kalpas and the entire period of time frame since the formation of earth or universe, before starting every major puja (prayer) by the priests or in temple, home or elsewhere by way of ‘Sankalpa’ performed by the priest or pandit ji. Most of us, never broke our head to understand the meaning of the mantras recited in Sanskrit language. If you try to understand it by translating them into your mother tongue, then you will know what we are talking about here. In fact, the hyms are the code for informing the deity or the divine about our current position on earth like a GPS system, about ourselves - who are we, our name, gotras, nakshatra we are born in etc.

If we translate the Sankalpa in English then we find that it includes full geographical description of place (jambu dweep madhyavartini (old name of India between seven continents) where puja is being performed, part of the year, month, part of the day, date, time, name of Kalpa (Shri Sweta Varah Kalpa - the first of the 30 Kalpas according to Matsya Puran), Manvanter (Vaivasvat Manvantare), Astha vimsathi thithame (18,000 Kalpas has been now completed), Kaliyuga – tat Pratham charne (first quarter of Kaliyuga), name of town/city, on the equator, south of meru mountain, in the land of Bharat, name of Samvatsare (year), Daksinaayane or Uttraayane (position of sun), name of current season, Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha (waxing or wanning period of moon), Din (day of week) etc. etc. 

The Sankalpa Mantra in Sanskrit is pasted hereunder for your reference.

परार्धे एकपञ्चाशत्तमे वर्षे प्रथममासे प्रथमपक्षे प्रथमदिवसे द्वात्रिंशत्कल्पानां मध्ये अष्टमे श्रीश्वेतबाराहकल्पे स्वायम्भुवादिमन्वतराणां मध्ये सप्तमे वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरेकृत-त्रोता-द्वापरकलिसंज्ञानां चतुर्युगानां मध्ये वर्तमाने अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे तत्प्रथमचरणे तथापञ्चाशत्कोटियोजनविस्तीर्ण-भूमण्डलान्तर्गतसप्तद्वीपमध्यवर्तिनि जम्बूद्वीपे तत्रापि श्रीगङ्गादिसरिद्भिः पाविते परम-पवित्रे भारतवर्षेआर्यावर्तान्तर्गतकाशी-कुरुक्षेत्र-पुष्कर-प्रयागादि-नाना-तीर्थयुक्त कर्मभूमौ मध्यरेखाया मध्ये अमुक दिग्भागे अमुकक्षेत्रे ब्रह्मावर्तादमुकदिग्भागावस्थितेऽमुकजनपदेतज्जनपदान्तर्गते अमुकग्रामे श्रीगङ्गायमुनयोरमुकदिग्भागे श्रीनर्मदाया अमुकप्रदेशे देवब्राह्माणानां सन्निधौ श्रीमन्नृपतिवीरविक्रमादित्य-समयतोऽमुक संख्यापरिमितेप्रवर्तमानवत्सरे प्रभवादिषष्ठिसम्वत्सराणां मध्ये अमुकनाम सम्वत्सरेअमुकायनेअमुकगोलेअमुकऋतौअमुकमासेअमुकपक्षेअमुकतिथौअमुकवासरेयथांशकलग्नमुहूर्तनक्षत्रायोगकरणान्वित.अमुकराशिस्थिते श्रीसूर्येअमुकराशिस्थिते चन्द्रेअमुकराशिस्थे देवगुरौशेषेषु ग्रहेषु यथायथाराशिस्थानस्थितेषुसत्सु एवंग्रहगुणविशिष्टेऽस्मिन्शुभक्षणे अमुकगोत्रोऽमुकशर्म्मा वर्मा-गुप्त-दास सपत्नीकोऽहं श्रीअमुकदेवताप्रीत्यर्थम् अमुककामनया ब्राह्मणद्वारा कृतस्यामुकमन्त्रपुरश्चरणस्यसङ्गतासिद्धîर्थममुकसंख्यया परिमितजपदशांश-होम-तद्दशांशतर्पण-तद्दशांश-ब्राह्मण-भोजन रूपं कर्म करिष्ये।


                                                                                                              Suman Saran Sinha

                                                                      February 22nd, 2023